A few months ago I had the opportunity to buy a couple pairs of...
A few months ago I had the opportunity to buy a couple pairs of Fernando Berlin Boots… I was a little hesitant because of the price, but after getting them I can say for sure they are totally worth the hype!!
They feel amazing and all I want to do is pet my legs when I’m wearing them. I love them so much that if it didn’t make me look like a maniac I would have slept in them last night, hehe.
At first, they were a little hard to walk in because the heel is such a sharp point and the pitch if the shoe is severe, but I got over that pretty quick. On the upside, they force me to move sexy and slow which is always entertaining to Sir. :)
As usual, everything looks sexier when paired with a Fancy Steel chastity belt. The belt ensures that I stay on task when I’m supposed to be taking pics or doing a task for Sir. Otherwise, things deteriorate pretty quickly into me playing with my pussy and getting nothing done.. At least I’m predictable.
In this set of pics I’m also showing off a beautiful collar that Fancy Steel sent to me. Its deliciously restrictive and the hardware is classic Fancy Steel style. It definitely deserves its own blog post, so keep an eye out for that. :)
I don’t have any excuses for the ridiculous hat. I can’t help myself… I think I have an accessories fetish… if that’s even a thing? :)