Rule: “-Your main purpose is to be mouth fuckhole, your other...

Rule: “-Your main purpose is to be mouth fuckhole, your other holes are merely for punishment. As a result your pussy will receive no pleasure while serving.”
This is probably one of my most important rules. Sir knows that as soon as my greedy pussy starts getting attention, I forget my purpose and start giving lazy sucks- making me useless to him.
Usually, Sir just puts a chastity belt on me and doesn’t have to worry that I’m sneaking any pleasure, but occasionally he feels like taking my belt off and using a different hole.
He can’t risk me enjoying myself too much while being fucked so, he’s always thinking of ways to reduce or completely eliminate my pleasure while still being able to use me however he wants.
This is where the “pussy panties” come in to play.. Sir found them on and he thought they were nice and objectifying, and perfect for making a fuckhole useful.
The panties have a vaginal and an anal sheath.. the vaginal sheath is slightly stiff, and goes in like a dildo. Its rigid enough to leave me feeling very filled, but its not stiff enough to feel like an actual dildo or give any pleasure. This keeps me in my optimal state for being useful: stuffed, unsatisfied, and eager to suck.
The vaginal sheath provides Sir with a nice tight hole he can fuck, but the thickness of the latex prevents me from getting any pleasure while in use. It’s just as unsatisfying as you would imagine.. maybe even a little painful.
Sir likes that the pussy part of the panties inadvertently prevents any clit stimulation because of its dome shape. Nothing touches my clit under the panties unless I press down on it from the outside.
The anal sheath is soft and exactly like the sheath on my other latex panties. I didn’t get a chance to test out that hole last night, but I know from experience that it doesn’t make ass fucking or being plugged any more pleasurable.
I’m definitely looking forward to doing some vibrator testing soon.. (◡‿◡)
Here’s the link to the pussy panties: