Thanks to my fellow chastity girl @lockedlali I now have the...

Thanks to my fellow chastity girl @lockedlali I now have the perfect blowjob proof lipstick!! This lipstick from Lipsense is unlike anything I’ve ever tried! It stays on and never ever comes off on anything.. not even during the most enthusiastic sucking session.
I can suck Sir’s cock, clean my dildos, wear my gags muzzles and hoods, kiss his boots, and all without it coming off or making a mess.
I have to warn you that it has a bit of a strong smell when you put it on, but that wears off pretty quick. I’m really sensitive to smells and taste but I can overlook this its totally worth it to have perfect lips all day long, and its awesome to not have to check my teeth for lipstick constantly.
When you order it you get the lip color, a clear lip gloss, and some special remover. You also get a little cheat sheet that explains how to put it on.
After you put on the color and before you put on the gloss you’ll notice that it has a slightly tacky/sticky feel to it, but once you put the gloss on that feeling goes away. I’ve never had to reapply the actual color during the day, but I do reapply the clear gloss as needed.
After your done being a slut you can use the remover it comes with to take it off, or you can buy some remover called “Fooops” from Amazon. In an emergency some isopropyl alcohol will remove it as well, but other than that- its gonna stay on and be bright red until your Sir is done with you. Now that I think of it- this might be a fun lipstick for some of my forced feminization/sissy followers.. cause once it goes on, its not coming off unless you have the right stuff to remove it. You’re totally stuck wearing it hehehe.
The color I have on in these pics is called “Blu-Red” and its great for redheads (has always been hard to find a good shade of red being a redhead), but there are tons of colors to choose from. I’m going to order some more this weekend.
You can message @lockedlali to find out were she gets hers from.