Kitty denied

If you think your outfit may be too slutty for work, just add glasses.. that makes it classy! :)

Kitty, gag, glasses. :)

Sir suggested I take some pics with the glasses kitties, so that was a perfect excuse to get dressed up and be slutty. :)
Since I haven’t had a chance to show off my shackles from Dungeon Delights yet, I decided to wear them and practice moving around with the chains locked on. I love how heavy they are and how the chains restrict my moment. Nothing feels better than being totally locked up with no hope of escape.
I’m working on a more complete review of my experience with the shackles, but that requires I stop playing with my pussy long enough to type one out, hehe. I suppose that’s what my chastity belt is for. ;)

I’ve been busy doing some redecorating, but I finally found some time to take a couple slutty pics. :)
Tonight I’m playing with some new ears.. I thought they might be a little too rowdy (they seem way bigger than my other ears), but Sir approves of big fluffy ears so I’ve been wearing them almost constantly since I got them. They’re sooooo soft and they even match one of my plugs perfectly! I love them!
I also played with my metal collar and belt tonight. Sir likes the super heavy duty look, and I looooove how the thick metal feels on my skin.. yum! The collar is surprisingly comfortable- I even wore it to bed the other night, and didn’t have any sore spots when I woke up.
Hopefully, I will get all my play area put back together soon so I can get back to doing tasks for Sir and posting pics. This redecorating project has turned out to be way more time consuming than I imagined…

I got a few new pairs of glasses.. Looking forward to seeing which gags look best with them.. :)