Kitty denied

I had a different task to do tonight but I snuck in one too many orgasms today, and lost my motivation (this is exactly why a chastity belt is needed).
So, here are some more maid uniform pics instead! :)

More cage time pics. :)
I really love my little water bottle.. Theres something super objectifying and sexy about being forced to drink from a container intended for animals.
I also like that Sir doesn’t have to bother opening the cage to give me water- he can just hang a bottle on the outside, and walk away.
..And since I’m on the topic..heres a fun fact about me and cages: My fascination with being in a cage started when I was really young (like 5 or 6..maybe even younger), and the majority of the games I played as a kid revolved around me pretending to be a dog. I even remember making leashes with belts, string, and yarn -which got me in a lot trouble as a kid, lol.
So, I suppose this was a fetish for me long before I was technically old enough to have fetishes. :)

Using the tether with my choke collar and ankle cuffs turns out to be a good way to keep me in a forced kneel when needed.
Always adds to the fun when I have to struggle and choke myself while trying to reach cock. :)

Playing with my hog tie. :)
I love how restrictive it is, but still allows for some movement. I’m sure I’ll be playing with this again soon.
You can find the whole set of pics here.

Showing off some Hello Kitty lock covers courtesy of lockedlali. Thank you Lali!! I love them!! She made me a second set with pink bows, but I’m saving those for another day. :)
Sir gave me a task to do tonight, but I only got as far as putting in the kgoal, then I went off script, lol. Kinda sassy and needing a lot of supervision lately..