Kitty denied

Time for some more sucking practice! This time Sir added the pussy shocking belt to see if it would improve my performance. (It totally did, lol)
Once I was in full uniform with my corset, garters, stockings, heels and cuffs locked on, I was chained to the O-ring next to my suck mirror and told to practice being a mouth fuckhole. I never get used to watching myself be so slutty in the mirror, but I really have no choice.
During training I have to observe my usual rules.. so as soon as I stopped sucking- the gag was shoved on my mouth. This is to remind me that without the use of my mouth I’m worthless as a mouth fuckhole, and it keeps me eager to immediately suck again once its taken out.
During this session I was testing out the pussy shocking belt so I was instructed to hold the remote and give shocks at certain times. In the pictures where I’m holding the remote- you can see the green light showing that I’m getting some pussy shocks right then.
The shock unit used on the belt is the Dogtra IQ. I get lots of questions about the shock collar so I’m super excited that I found a fantastic review site that explains it perfectly and gives ideas on modifications for use on sluts. heheh
The review site is called The Discerning Specialist:
and the link to the shock collar review is:
I hope to see more sluts in shock collars some day! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

I got to play with a hot new kitty last night!! I’m thankful she gave me permission to share some of our pics with you guys, because she’s just too cute to keep to myself. :)
The cage was the perfect size to store to 2 naughty kitties, so we spent lots of time locked up and begging to be let out and played with. After that, we got some obedience training, and before the night was over I was able to convince my new kitty friend to try on a chastity belt. :) The world needs more belted kitties!
I hope we get to play again soon!

Sir made me spend some time being useful in my shackles today. :)
When I was putting on my gear, I snuck in some “Sir approved” accessories (boots, fur, jewelry, garter and stockings), and he was quite pleased with the result. He especially liked the boots. :)
It’s always fun to surprise Sir by looking sexier than he was expecting… and sometimes I even get less punishment. ;)

..and this was the outfit I ended up wearing to the party :)

A quick outfit test for a party I’m going to this weekend. It didn’t quite make the cut, but figured I would share it anyway. :)
Sir said he thinks the outfit is hot enough, but I think I can do better. :) Still don’t know for sure what I’m gonna wear…