Kitty denied

I suppose removing part of the shield, and exposing my clit defeats the purpose of a chastity belt, but I definitely won’t argue if thats what I’m told to do. :)
Sir gave me another equally humiliating task I have yet to complete, but you can expect some more super graphic pussy pics soon. :)
(side note- the belt isn’t locked on because these were just some quick test pics for Sir to evaluate before further testing was done..)

I had a different task to do tonight but I snuck in one too many orgasms today, and lost my motivation (this is exactly why a chastity belt is needed).
So, here are some more maid uniform pics instead! :)

Playing with a new corset today… I love the corset/garter combo, and the contrast of the leather and fancy material.
I thought the link belt might look nice with it. Then I added the thigh bands because I rarely play with those. :)

Since I’m not usually belted in the shower I’ve become accustomed to using that time to sneak in orgasms… Today the belt was added to prevent that.
Unfortunately, the soapy water made it possible to slide my fingers under the belt, so I managed to cum anyway. Oops!!

Got creative tonight with my Fancy Steel belt! I removed the mesh part of the shield so I could use the opening for the cum tube attached to my bad dragon dildo. :)
There was just enough room to slide a finger in and tease my clit, but not really enough space to fully slide a finger in or get enough pleasure to cum.
So, I spent some time crawling around, practicing sucking dildos on the mirror and making a giant mess. :)