Kitty denied

Sir has me doing some other stuff this week so I haven’t had any time to take new pics… So, here are some more pics of the pussy panties since you guys liked them so much!!
Now back to my other task from Sir… ~(=^‥^)_。

Time for some more sucking practice! This time Sir added the pussy shocking belt to see if it would improve my performance. (It totally did, lol)
Once I was in full uniform with my corset, garters, stockings, heels and cuffs locked on, I was chained to the O-ring next to my suck mirror and told to practice being a mouth fuckhole. I never get used to watching myself be so slutty in the mirror, but I really have no choice.
During training I have to observe my usual rules.. so as soon as I stopped sucking- the gag was shoved on my mouth. This is to remind me that without the use of my mouth I’m worthless as a mouth fuckhole, and it keeps me eager to immediately suck again once its taken out.
During this session I was testing out the pussy shocking belt so I was instructed to hold the remote and give shocks at certain times. In the pictures where I’m holding the remote- you can see the green light showing that I’m getting some pussy shocks right then.
The shock unit used on the belt is the Dogtra IQ. I get lots of questions about the shock collar so I’m super excited that I found a fantastic review site that explains it perfectly and gives ideas on modifications for use on sluts. heheh
The review site is called The Discerning Specialist:
and the link to the shock collar review is:
I hope to see more sluts in shock collars some day! ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ

Wanted to show off some custom leather panties I got from Pentagramshop on Etsy . I’m really happy with the quality, and they fit perfectly.
I also wanted to show off my hair because it looked especially nice today. Sir and I were talking about different hair styles and this was one he thought was pretty so I happily tried it out for him. :)

I was supposed to be packing up my gear for a super fun all-girl photoshoot with my new besties, but I got distracted by my new corset. :)
My hair and makeup was disappointing because I wasn’t planning on taking pics, but the corset looked awesome so I had to share. Will be a long time before I can close it completely, but it was fun to try, hehe.
I always love the marks the corset leaves behind when I take it off so I included a couple of those pics, too. :)
Now I’m gonna go finish packing up and planning for some fun with my girlfriends… fingers crossed we get some sexy shots, and lots of playtime in. :)

Was feeling sad yesterday, and needed some extra attention. Since I didn’t have any tasks from Sir, I thought playing with my new corset from Mystic City Corsets would help cheer me up, and make me feel special again. :)
This one has a 20 inch waist, so I’m nowhere near closing it all the way yet. I’m still being gentle with it until I break it in, but I have high hopes for how awesome it will look :)
I also got to try out my first official pair of fully fashioned stockings, and didn’t destroy them yet. I’ll have to get some better pictures of them next time. :)