Merry XXX-Mas!

A word from Creator-In-Chief, James Grey...
If you had told me at the start of 2020 that we would be here... well, what a year it's been!
With so many Covid-related challenges affecting almost every country, I want to sincerely thank all of our supporters from every corner of the globe for continuing to back Fancy Steel over the past 12 months. It is because of your support that we have been able to release a record amount of video content in 2020 - an exciting achievement we are so proud of.
As I look back on the year, we really have achieved a huge amount. There are so many successes we're grateful for - the first that comes to mind is the release of the 'Advanced Chastity Trainer', a real game-changer for me personally. Because we all love a good Year in Review, I've also put together a snapshot below of my favourite film releases of 2020, and believe me, there's something for everyone!
Looking ahead, we are pleased to announce that we are currently busy working on some new and exciting content for 2021! There are also several fresh product ideas in the works, that we hope to make available to you in the first quarter of next year. Our loyal supporters really do help to make Fancy Steel what it is, and we can't wait to continue delivering the top-quality products you know and love in the New Year.
As always, your feedback is really important, so please let us know what you loved, and what you want to see more of in 2021. Head over to our IG from December 23rd to vote for your favourite film release.
Whether you're heading away for the holidays, or spending it at home, Fancy Steel has you covered for entertainment. You know we're all about fetish fun, and our film selection is the Netflix of Kink.
Wishing you an enjoyable and relaxing holiday season, and we can't wait to kickstart 2021 with a bang! Scroll down to see what came in at #1..
- JG
Fancy Steel Films - A Year In Review
KiKi made her Fancy Steel debut in this release as the ultimate brat in need of a little behaviour modification - and she smashed it out of the park. I was so impressed at how quickly Kiki threw herself into the role, and as the viewer, it really paid off.
Number #1
The Audition
The cinematic vibe of 'The Audition' was something I really loved, and the film noire theme we were going for really translated well. Cobie is always fantastic to work with, and she was made for this role.
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