How well does your leather chastity belt work? I was looking at buying one for my girlfriend to use....

Q: How well does your leather chastity belt work? I was looking at buying one for my girlfriend to use. And are there any tips you can give on them?

The leather chastity belt is a great starter belt.. its a good place to start if you like the idea of chastity, but don’t want to get crazy with metal yet. 

I can recommend this belt from JT Stockroom. Its cheap, and is fairly effective for the chastity belt novice. It definitely gives the feeling of having your pussy locked up, and makes it extremely difficult to sneak in an orgasm.

You can use it to hold in dildos or plugs too :) 

I suppose Sir and I knew I outgrew this belt when I started needing a spike ball in my pussy to prevent me from grinding against it and cumming… heheh. 

My best advice would be to make sure you wear it tight enough, and you will definitely be entertained. :) 

Have fun!