Chastity blogs

The mounting anticipation as I waited for my chastity belt to arrive was pretty intense. I found myself compulsively checking my mailbox even before I got the official shipping information. It was like this looming shadow in my mind, obscuring...
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ViolentlyCurly’s The Next Step The Next Step It’s been nearly a year since I sat down to write something smutty about my kinks... I have since quit my “day job” to pursue art and sex work, so it’s certainly about...
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-What the Heck is the Purpose of Male Chasity?- The purpose of male chastity in the 21st century is most commonly used in BDSM play. In such a scenario the submissive is locked into a male chastity device by the...
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Kink in the chain
Listen to Fancy Steel founder's podcast with Kink in the Chain for a deep dive into chastity and to get inside the mind our creator.
Interview with Jay from FancySteel
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Chastity Belt buyers guide 2021
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