I got my bunny tail plug!!!...

I got my bunny tail plug!!! (https://crystaldelights.com/shop/crystal-minx-magnetic-bunny-tails/) Yay!! Thank you to everyone that helped me pay for this!!
Now I’m a complete Service Bunny! (minus the ability to actually “serve” anything without spilling it…)
I love that the fur attachments have a magnet, so its super easy to switch out the colors (and I don’t have to hurt my poor butt by taking out the plug just to change the color). I’ll make sure to take some pics of the plug and the magnets tomorrow… was too excited tonight, and I forgot.
I have all the available tail colors, and even one that matches my hair perfectly. I still can’t decide which one I like best… I suppose I can’t go wrong with white, but pink is super cute too. Should probably ask Sir which one he prefers before I declare a favorite color. ;)
Prepare for sooooooo many service bunny pics this week… :)